Please submit your ideas here for how we can improve Studio Helper. You have 10 votes you can use to vote for the ideas you’d like us to do next.
140 results found
Add a Staff Calendar
Add a Staff calendar so I can schedule my staff. It would allow the staff to login to see there schedule or allow me to send email reminders about special scheduling, studio weather related closings, school holidays etc.
4 votesnot enough interest
Teachers need to be able to see each other's contact info. That way they don't have to contact the administrator!!
If teachers who share a client for different services need to change their student's schedule, they must be able to see what other teachers their student is linked to, and be able to contact that teacher.
4 votesnot enough interest
Find an easier way to multiple events
When my studio is closed, I don't delete all the lessons from that day because I need to reconcile each week at the end of the year to see when students come, when the studio is closed, when lessons are cancelled, etc... So let's say I have 8 students on the 4th of July this year. From what I can tell, here is the process I have to take in order to make sure everyone is cancelled: 1. Go to calendar tab 2. Click Calendar 3. Find the 4th of July date 4. Click on that date 5. Find the…
4 votesnot enough interest
add a permission option for parent/student-initiated changes.
Could a permission option be created for parent/student-initiated changes to their accounts?
Right now, parents/students can log in and add/delete students/parents,etc. Allowing parents/students access to updating some information is great (such as contact info). However, being able to add/delete, etc. may not be so great! Thanks!
3 votesdid not garner enough votes
Email Teacher's Students
Right now there's not a check box or drop down to email a certain teacher's students. It does exist for instruments, but not teachers This would come in very handy. I'm sure the uses are self-evident, but just one use is in the case of a teacher absence and giving notification to parents.
3 votesYou can actually allow yourself (studio admin) and your teachers to send mass email to your/their student(s) by giving them this privilege in the Permissions page (Settings > Permissions). You can also go to the People List and check the box next to the name of the student you want to send email to. Then select Send Email in the drop down box that will appear above the list.
Allow student to print a pdf receipt of their payments, and have the option to select a specific date range on one single receipt
Students who want to submit receipts for taxes purposes currently have to print several individual invoices for the year, or do a print screen of the payment list which does not look professional. It would be great to be able to generate a single pdf document that would display the studio name, their info, and the specific payment info they wanted. The look should be similar to the invoices, but they would be able to select a date range to generate the form and have all the info on 1 sheet instead to several separate pages.
3 votesnot enough interest
Allow Coloring By Location
It would be great for a lessons studio if we were allowed to color-code based on location rather than or as well as category. As a studio, color coding by location would be easier because then the category could be the instrument, whereas now we just list category and location as the same thing (room #).
i.e. Room 1 = Red and then Category = guitar (or piano, or voice)
3 votesI don’t think this will be considered since Event Categories are already color-coded. It would be confusing to give another color for the same event if it already has an event category. I would suggest that you use the event category to classify your events per location to take advantage of the color-coding feature. You can find it at
Would like a report to search former students by instrument
So that you can focus on getting more students back for a certain instrument - for example if our drum teacher doesn't have enough students or needs more students to open-up a certain day - we can try to contact those former ones and try to get them to come back
3 votesnot enough interest
add a lesson planning feature
"Lesson notes" is a great feature but only refers to lessons already taught. How about a feature in SH that allows instructors to think ahead and plan for upcoming lessons, specific to student? Admins should be able to see teachers' planned lessons. Also, planned lessons should be able to be exported and/or generated as a report. Planned lessons can optionally be made viewable by students.
3 votes -
Student Lead Lesson Swaps
We have a local competitor who only teaches one instrument and gives all the contact info of all her students out to her students so that if they can't make it to their lesson one week, they can put out a request that someone swap their time with them. A great idea that probably saves her a great deal of lost income and while I'm sure in one sense the parents are thrilled about it, some folks must not like the lack of privacy. I think this is a tremendous opportunity for StudioHelper. Ideally it would look like this: on…
3 votesnot enough interest
Show student phone number when event is clicked on the claendar
3 votesnot enough interest
Database for instrument rentals/loans
It would be very helpful to be able to maintain an inventory of instruments and track rentals. Another potential revenue stream for music studios!
3 votesYou can make use of the Lending Library to keep a database of instruments, books, and other school items that are currently being borrowed, keep track who’s borrowing them, and assign the current status (returned or not). You can find the Lending Library in your SH account here –
Improve Mass Email Filters and Templates
While the current email filters are good, it would be useful to be able to filter by teacher for example, if you wanted to email all of that teacher's students. Also a system template for overdue invoices would be great.
3 votesGreat suggestions, but since they’re different, please put them in two separate tickets so users can vote on them individually.
Have an area in invoice for us to permanently have payment options.
I often forget to cut and paste bank details in every invoice and would love to have those details be permanent
3 votesWe already have this feature in place. Just edit the Invoice Email template and go to People > Email Templates > System Templates and click Customize Invoice. From there, you can add your bank details so that it will always be included in future invoice notifications that you will send out.
allow student to register for a single event in a series of recurring events
MTH has this capability so I'm hoping this is an easy addition to SH.
In MTH, you can set up a recurring appointment and identify it as an open lesson time. There is an icon of an open book for open times and a closed book when the lesson slot is full. This makes it easy for the next student to see if that lesson time is still available.
This functionality would be saving me endless headaches over the summer. With all the student vacations it's a real pain for me to manually enter all the dates.
MTH allowed me…
3 votesnot enough interest
split student and parent in the event reminder
Lot's of my students don't have their own emails. At first I tried leaving the email address in the student profile bland --- but then the student did not receive their lesson notes when I filled out the attendance info.
So I took out the parent email and had only a student email. Then I couldn't send email or invoices to parents.
I would like to see the options for event notification to be:
3 votesnot enough interest
More Colors For Event Category
Please provide more colors for event category
3 votesnot enough interest
allow option for repeating events to choose options such as 2nd and 4th Saturday s.
My studio has group classes that happen on specific weeks and it is cumbersome to delete all of the weeks that classes do not take place. every other week does not work due to the occasional fifth week.
3 votesTo set up a fortnightly event, select “Weekly”, then choose Repeat every “2” weeks. Then check the days you want the event to recur every two weeks. Lastly, select an End Date.
Here is how I have heard other studios handle this issue of the “5th week”:
Option 1) Tuition-based. Calculate how many weeks are in a given semester or year (ie. longer term than 1 month). Let’s say 52 weeks per year. If you charge $100/lesson, that’s $5200/year you would charge the student. You can still bill monthly (a flat rate of the yearly fee divided by 12), but the amount you charge does not change based on how many lessons the student attends in a given month. In a school, a student doesn’t get a discount on their tuition if they skip class one week, even if it was an emergency. Many professional studios will handle their tuition…
Default of Payment Date
When receiving payment, the Deposited On field should be automatically defaulted to current date if no value has been input.
3 votesnot enough interest
track individual attendance from enrollment date
Keeping track of attended classes for each student from the date of enrollment or re-enrollment is challenging especially since we have rolling enrollment. I'm using a spread sheet to track each student and knowing when to send out new invoices before their lessons run out. It would be great if studiohelper :can track individual attendance and absences and provide a notice and consolidated report perhaps 2-3 weeks before their last lesson so that new invoices for continuation can be sent out.
3 votesYou can use the Lessons Taught Report ( You can specify a date range, and filter by student name, teacher, lcoation, and/or attendance status. If this report is not enough to meet your requirements, please let us know.
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