track individual attendance from enrollment date
Keeping track of attended classes for each student from the date of enrollment or re-enrollment is challenging especially since we have rolling enrollment. I'm using a spread sheet to track each student and knowing when to send out new invoices before their lessons run out. It would be great if studiohelper :can track individual attendance and absences and provide a notice and consolidated report perhaps 2-3 weeks before their last lesson so that new invoices for continuation can be sent out.

You can use the Lessons Taught Report ( You can specify a date range, and filter by student name, teacher, lcoation, and/or attendance status. If this report is not enough to meet your requirements, please let us know.
Alicia Hesse Cleary commented
it would be good to have a reminder email sent to student that their 2nd - 3rd to last class is approaching and it's time re-enroll.