Student Lead Lesson Swaps
We have a local competitor who only teaches one instrument and gives all the contact info of all her students out to her students so that if they can't make it to their lesson one week, they can put out a request that someone swap their time with them. A great idea that probably saves her a great deal of lost income and while I'm sure in one sense the parents are thrilled about it, some folks must not like the lack of privacy. I think this is a tremendous opportunity for StudioHelper. Ideally it would look like this: on the back end, your database would take all the data you already have and auto-create email addresses off the domain we already use through you for lesson reminders. One of our locations is Morristown, and if our violin students want to swap a time with someone, they could email (long winded, I know) and ask to swap times. When people reply to the email, your servers will get it to the right person. Is that possible?
Perhaps easier than email would be to have them log into studio helper to do this, in which case it would be good to have another embed code to put this feature on our site too. Maybe you could even use the calendar to anonymously allow people to even pick which lesson to swap with, and then the system could take care of the whole thing from start to end!
Either way I'd LOVE it if you could implement this feature so we can stop dealing with parents getting upset about our absence policy!

not enough interest
It means our teams are considering the issue, but we haven't yet decided if we're going to implement it yet. (More votes definitely help persuade us.)
andyjoe81 commented
What does "under review" actually mean?