Email Teacher's Students
Right now there's not a check box or drop down to email a certain teacher's students. It does exist for instruments, but not teachers This would come in very handy. I'm sure the uses are self-evident, but just one use is in the case of a teacher absence and giving notification to parents.

You can actually allow yourself (studio admin) and your teachers to send mass email to your/their student(s) by giving them this privilege in the Permissions page (Settings > Permissions). You can also go to the People List and check the box next to the name of the student you want to send email to. Then select Send Email in the drop down box that will appear above the list.
Josh commented
Just to clarify - we are talking whole student lists here. Not an individual student or two. For instance a teacher is sick or taking a vacation and the admin or staff need to be able to email their students quickly to remind them there are no lessons.
Josh commented
The work arounds list above still do not allow the admin or staff to filter by teacher when sending mass emails. The ability to select several teachers to email to - without having to log into each teachers account - or pull up an excel file and waste time manually selecting each teachers students would be very useful. Often staff or the admin will be the ones to email (in the case of illness) not the teacher of the students. With other events, such as a reminder of vacations or announcement of recitals several teachers students may be the participants.
The lack of an ability to filter by teacher makes the mass email portion of studio helper rather week. There are many software solutions to send mass emails with extensive filtering options, but this defeats the purpose of paying a monthly fee to have an online all in one studio data management solution.