allow option for repeating events to choose options such as 2nd and 4th Saturday s.
My studio has group classes that happen on specific weeks and it is cumbersome to delete all of the weeks that classes do not take place. every other week does not work due to the occasional fifth week.

To set up a fortnightly event, select “Weekly”, then choose Repeat every “2” weeks. Then check the days you want the event to recur every two weeks. Lastly, select an End Date.
Here is how I have heard other studios handle this issue of the “5th week”:
Option 1) Tuition-based. Calculate how many weeks are in a given semester or year (ie. longer term than 1 month). Let’s say 52 weeks per year. If you charge $100/lesson, that’s $5200/year you would charge the student. You can still bill monthly (a flat rate of the yearly fee divided by 12), but the amount you charge does not change based on how many lessons the student attends in a given month. In a school, a student doesn’t get a discount on their tuition if they skip class one week, even if it was an emergency. Many professional studios will handle their tuition this way. You do not lose money since you are including the 5th week in your tuition price. This also keeps your income consistent from month to month, and keeps accounting/invoicing simple.
Option 2) Lesson-based. If you want to charge based on the number of lessons a student attends, you can invoice for these lessons in advance using the Automatic Billing from the Calendar feature described on the blog post at: – this will take however many lessons were on the calendar in a given month and put them on an invoice for you automatically. You don’t have to keep track of how many lessons were in the month. The invoicing system will do it for you.
It’s up to you which option you use. If neither of these sounds like it will fit your situation, let us know, and we’ll see what we can do to help.