Please submit your ideas here for how we can improve Studio Helper. You have 10 votes you can use to vote for the ideas you’d like us to do next.
140 results found
1 vote
You can modify the attendance afterward by clicking the event from the calendar, and editing it.
For an attendance report, you can view or print the lessons taught report. It is filterable by teacher, date range and by student. You can also click to view notes and lesson cost. At the bottom for each teacher is the number of hours for attended classes, the cost of the lesson and hours of cancelled lessons. This report is exportable to your computer. It also shows which classes were attended, absent or cancelled
Add Option to Receive Payment Without First Issuing an Invoice
Please add an option to allow sending a payment receipt without having to send an invoice. I have many clients who always bring payment with them on the day of the lesson. They don't need an invoice, but I really want to be able to send an invoice. It seems unnecessary to send an invoice to people who always pay at their lesson.
1 vote -
add "repeat event by number of times they occur" under the add event category, so as to calculate the end date automatically?
add "repeat event by number of times they occur" under the add event category, so as to calculate the end date automatically? so as to calculate the end date automatically? Currently we have to manually count the number of classes and add an end date.
1 votenot enough interest
I suggest it is time for SH to update the area where attendance notes are placed.
I suggest it is time for SH to update the area where attendance notes are placed.
It is time to add the option to expand the place the notes are typed and to allow for other options in the text. Such as Bold type fount size bullet points.
It would be nice if I would be able to copy and drag what I type in MSWord and have it look just the same in SH with the spacing and so on.
Even MSN email has these options and it is free.
This update is far over due please make this…
1 votenot enough interest
Have a way to "hide" tutorials semi-permanently
It would be much more pleasant to use the system, if, after learning how it operates, to be able to semi-permanently "hide" the tips and tutorials on the sidebar. I get tired of "x-ing" them out and only wish I could remove the tutorials from the sidebar. It would make the page neater and move the material up higher on the page for viewing. Thanks for considering.
1 vote -
Make sure lesson reminder emails INCLUDE CHANGED times and days
Currently, I have changed lesson times for several students through the calendar portal and editing a student's schedule from one day and/or time to another. YET, the reminder was sent with the OLD SCHEDULED time on it! Please MAKE SURE that updated (even one time only) scheduled are linked to the automatic lesson reminders!
1 vote -
Make it possible to send an email to a single individual without having to go though filters
Currently, I can only send an email to an individual by selecting through a lot of filters. Please make it possible to select just by teacher and student filters. I accidentally sent a sensitive email to two parties, when another name was accidentally maked along with the one I intended, simply because my cursor slipped over the other name without my realizing it. I send out much MORE individual messages than group messages and all the filters slow me down and accidents can happen. Thanks
1 voteYou can send an individual an email by going to People > People List and then search for the name of the person you want to email using the search box. Then check the box beside the name of the person. Then select “Send email” in the drop down menu that appears above the name of the person to compose and send an email.
Payments are too hard to track!
If someone owes $75.00 but pays $100, saying apply the rest to next month: sure it will apply the 75.00 to the existing invoice, and create a "credit". However, there is nowhere where it actually says there was $100.00 tendered at any time. When my clients get a payment receipt for said transaction, they don't see where they paid 100.00 and how it was applied. NEVER FAILS: when this scenario happens, I get a call/email protesting that they actually paid 100.00. There should be a way to track total payments.
1 voteYou can actually go to the Payment Page on Money > Payments > List Payments ( to view a list of payments made by student/s and the invoice(s) the payment was applied.
List Payments by Deposted Date
Currently listing of payments can be done only by Date, not by Deposited Date.
Would like to have the option to list by deposited date.
Created Date is 24th, but Deposited Date is 25th.
I want to extract all payments deposited on 25th.
Presently, this is not possible.1 votenot enough interest
It would allow the teacher to teach online classes via webcam, whiteboard, and chat. I'm currently running an virtual online class using
"E-Lecta Live" and Music Teachers Helper. I simply place the code on my announcements page and they log in to the virtual class site. But, I don't want to pay for two services when I can have an intergrated site. Can you help?1 voteduplicate idea
Add NAMES on the Tasks to do list
On the tasks overview, it would be helpful to see a list of the names of the people the tasks are assigned to and be able to sort the list by specific person.
1 voteYou can already do this by opening the Task List Page ( or Completed Tasks List (
create Approval Processes
Generally, I'd like my teachers to be able to modify the schedule for some classes but they must be approved by their respective managers. The events calender/classes/student details etc is updated only after their respective managers review the changes and update them. The approval tasks can be reflected in the dashboard of the managers and/or an email alert.
1 votenot enough interest
Potential Bug
Is anyone else experiencing things. When I go to change a payment amount (say the amount was entered wrong) the system is throwing a credit into the credit portion even though the new amount pays the invoice in full.
Create an invoice
Enter a payment with "wrong" total under invoice amount
Change the total to a number under the invoice amount and instead of the new total showing up the difference will show up and a credit for the original amount will be entered.
1 voteIf you still have the links to the invoice in question and payment with wrong total, please send the details to include the name of the student and the invoice # and the name of your studio. Also, provide as much details as possible so that we can try to recreate the issue you experienced.
Since this forum is mainly for feature requests, I will be declining this particular request but we will work on it internally as soon as we receive your email to Thanks and we’ll be waiting for your email.
Allow teachers to create their own email templates.
Allow teachers to create their own email templates.
1 votenot enough interest
allow parents to see their teacher(s) in their people list.
I'd love it if families could see their teachers listed in their people lists and be able to see contact info and (ideally) be able to email them through their studio helper account.
1 voteWe’ll consider your suggestion. In the meantime, you can contact your teachers by opening/viewing the event calendar. Then you can write comments that will be sent directly to the teacher.
not enough interest
Automatic Billing: Recharge Billing
I currently use Recharge Billing for automatic billing and would like to use it with SH. From what I can see with both Paypal and, Recharge Billing costs less monthly than both for all the services. Recharge doesn't nickle and dime for the extra services like Authorize does and there's no setup fee. Thanks for considering.
1 votenot enough interest
Ability to see a report (list) of a student's entire scheduled lesson
We like to send parents a lesson schedule confirmation in which all lessons are sent in a list format. Attached to the list is the schedule, student information/contact information and instructor contact information.
1 votenot enough interest
Canadian Merchant Providers
Canada needs more options for integration. My company uses TD Merchant Services and we're getting such an awesome rate that we will not switch. As it currently sits, this is the only reason why we are not currently considering Studio Helper is for this very reason.
1 votewe are looking at other options and will announce it when other choices are available.
Delete Vendor
Items in Vendor List should be able to be deleted/updated
1 voteThere is already an Edit link and Delete link existing for each vendor in the Vendor List page (
Expense Payment Type
I need to be able to represent how an expense has been paid out - by check, or cash or other means.
1 votenot enough interest
- Don't see your idea?