Allow teacher to modify attendance records after submission

You can modify the attendance afterward by clicking the event from the calendar, and editing it.
For an attendance report, you can view or print the lessons taught report. It is filterable by teacher, date range and by student. You can also click to view notes and lesson cost. At the bottom for each teacher is the number of hours for attended classes, the cost of the lesson and hours of cancelled lessons. This report is exportable to your computer. It also shows which classes were attended, absent or cancelled
Anonymous commented
Being able to print attendance report for each teacher would be nice too so they can record on paper which students showed and which did not. It would be nice if the report listed all classes/students for that teacher for the week if desired some of our teachers only have a few student/lessons they teach in a week. All their reporting for a week could/should be on one sheet.
AdminAllan (Admin, Studio Helper) commented
From our programmers:
1. log in as studio admin
2. Go to "Settings" > "Permissions"
3. Check "Who should be able to create, edit, and delete events on the calendar? "
4. then save.
5. Log out.Check it using the teacher account.
AdminAllan (Admin, Studio Helper) commented
From SH Support: May we ask for your studio name so that we can assist you further?