Potential Bug
Is anyone else experiencing things. When I go to change a payment amount (say the amount was entered wrong) the system is throwing a credit into the credit portion even though the new amount pays the invoice in full.
Create an invoice
Enter a payment with "wrong" total under invoice amount
Change the total to a number under the invoice amount and instead of the new total showing up the difference will show up and a credit for the original amount will be entered.

If you still have the links to the invoice in question and payment with wrong total, please send the details to support@studiohelper.com. include the name of the student and the invoice # and the name of your studio. Also, provide as much details as possible so that we can try to recreate the issue you experienced.
Since this forum is mainly for feature requests, I will be declining this particular request but we will work on it internally as soon as we receive your email to support@studiohelper.com. Thanks and we’ll be waiting for your email.