Please submit your ideas here for how we can improve Studio Helper. You have 10 votes you can use to vote for the ideas you’d like us to do next.
140 results found
split student and parent in the event reminder
Lot's of my students don't have their own emails. At first I tried leaving the email address in the student profile bland --- but then the student did not receive their lesson notes when I filled out the attendance info.
So I took out the parent email and had only a student email. Then I couldn't send email or invoices to parents.
I would like to see the options for event notification to be:
3 votesnot enough interest
Taking of Attendance
Setting of Attendance is currently only limited to the 1st 50 entries. As such we cannot set attendance for any other events after the 1st 50.
We should be able to select the date range.
2 votesnot enough interest
Adding a "lesson length" column
When viewing a student's attendance via their profile (click on the "schedule" tab), it would be incredibly helpful to have the lesson length there, so we can see which lessons were 30 min, which were 45, etc
9 votesnot enough interest
Show Payment Date in Invoice
Currently, no payment date is shown on the invoice when the invoice has been paid.
Show payment date in the invoice. This is to allow better tracking and mapping of payment and invoice.7 votesthe payment dates are actually on the statements.
Default of Payment Date
When receiving payment, the Deposited On field should be automatically defaulted to current date if no value has been input.
3 votesnot enough interest
Have the invoices running "live" with the calendar
We always invoice a month ahead, so it would be really great if the invoices ran "live" with the calendar. If a student cancels a lesson on the calendar then the program would automatically show that on the invoice. Right now we are manually taking each canceled lesson off the already generated invoices.
18 votesOnce an invoice has been created, it should not be changed, as this could bring up ethical issues. But I think a simpler solution to this would be to issue a credit at the time the lesson is cancelled, which credit than then be applied to a future invoice.
Would love to be able to get a balance of cash at end of a period to balance till
There isn't anywhere that gives you an end of day till balance. Is is possible for a balance to exist in payment list?
2 votesnot enough interest
list FAMILY PHONE number under PHONE on STUDENT and PARENT profile
I'm discovering that the phone number set up is frustrating me. If I put in a FAMILY PHONE number under the FAMILY tab, it's not proving to be useful. I get the idea of it, but in practice it's making me do more work.
What I'd like to see is the FAMILY PHONE NUMBER listed under PHONE on STUDENT and PARENT profile.
And instead of having the check box for "Phone number is different than family phone" my preference would be for it to say "Addition phone numbers." Then I could easily enter mobile, fax, work that pertains to that…
10 votesnot enough interest
More Colors For Event Category
Please provide more colors for event category
3 votesnot enough interest
Allow lesson notes to show up on reconcile page
I would like to be able to easily see the previous lesson notes on the same page as the reconcile page because it would allow me to easily see those notes and decide what to keep as an assignment for that current lesson without having to generate a report and then flip back and forth between the report page and the reconcile page.
2 votesnot enough interest
Find an easier way to multiple events
When my studio is closed, I don't delete all the lessons from that day because I need to reconcile each week at the end of the year to see when students come, when the studio is closed, when lessons are cancelled, etc... So let's say I have 8 students on the 4th of July this year. From what I can tell, here is the process I have to take in order to make sure everyone is cancelled: 1. Go to calendar tab 2. Click Calendar 3. Find the 4th of July date 4. Click on that date 5. Find the…
4 votesnot enough interest
Details of Invoice Printout
When printing the invoice out as pdf, the details of the items will be truncated. These are the items where the names are longer than the column width, these will get truncated.
We should not give customers invoices with descriptions or names truncated.
1 votenot enough interest
Financial Reports
It would be great if the reports could be higher functioning like QuickBooks or at least be able to access more detailed reports e.g. run a report on outstanding invoices per category. It seems this is supposed to be an option but I am unable to generate it.
2 votesnot enough interest
Allow Sorting of Tasks
Allow sorting of tasks by Due Date, Priority, Task name etc. This is to facilitate better task management and tracking.
1 votenot enough interest
Improve Mass Email Filters and Templates
While the current email filters are good, it would be useful to be able to filter by teacher for example, if you wanted to email all of that teacher's students. Also a system template for overdue invoices would be great.
3 votesGreat suggestions, but since they’re different, please put them in two separate tickets so users can vote on them individually.
Allow custom fields in people's profiles
While the profile page on Studio Helper has the majority of the basic information you'd need to store about someone, we have some custom things we want to track in our studio, such as medical disclosures, gender, race, preferred payment method, etc. Can you make a way for us to add these fields onto the profile, like you do in the remote registration form?
11 votesnot enough votes
Get rid of the header in the remote login
I hacked my way into not displaying the header that we could put in ourselves if we wanted one, but I would rather be using the supported code.
2 votesnot enough interest
Allow Parents Who Are Students The Ability To View Children's Information With One Profile
"There should be a way to allow the primary contact to have parental
permissions as well as be a student as we have adult students who are also
parents of other students in our studio (and I suspect in other studios as
well). We should be able to do this without creating duplicate entries for
that person as that leads to sloppy record keeping. They often get the same
emails twice (since they're profiles are in their twice) and it can be too
easy to update the 'parent' profile while neglecting to update the 'student'
profile with new information."
Thanks!0 votesnot enough votes
Have A report By Package and Student/Parent
I would like to have Money reports that can be generated by package and student/parent. This allow my studio to generate money reports by total packages or students-packages and analyze how well a class is doing.
This is very important for our ongoing report activities0 votesnot enough interest
Substitute Teacher (& Package?) Option
Right now students are attached to a single teacher and package. It would be very useful to be able to Sub another teacher in place of the student's current teacher or a different package in the place of their default package.
When a teacher is sick or out of town it's a major hassle to have to either switch the student's over to another teacher and reattach packages and then permanently leave them this way so as to not mess up past invoices. Perhaps this could come in the form of a one time modification on the calendar that allows…
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