Substitute Teacher (& Package?) Option
Right now students are attached to a single teacher and package. It would be very useful to be able to Sub another teacher in place of the student's current teacher or a different package in the place of their default package.
When a teacher is sick or out of town it's a major hassle to have to either switch the student's over to another teacher and reattach packages and then permanently leave them this way so as to not mess up past invoices. Perhaps this could come in the form of a one time modification on the calendar that allows you to SUB the package for another. Right now as far as packages I attach a separate line item with either an addition or subtraction from cost for separate time. This works fine for those modifications of lesson times...
However, if the teacher teaching a lesson is different than the normal teacher this throws off the hourly reporting for that teacher. This is one of the main reasons to use studio helper I believe. The ease in which you can bill both clients and pay employees. Strengthening the teacher-student-invoicing side of things will add a major strength to the program. Adding a substitute teacher function (that let's you select an existing teacher instead) is a great way to strengthen the payroll side of the program.