Taking of Attendance
Setting of Attendance is currently only limited to the 1st 50 entries. As such we cannot set attendance for any other events after the 1st 50.
We should be able to select the date range.

not enough interest
Academy for the Arts commented
Having the ability to choose attendance events by date would be very helpful.
Jonathan commented
The problem comes when there are certain events that we do not want to take attendance.
Our situation is that many of the earlier events have lapsed and there is not point taking attendance for those events. As such, we want to start taking attendance from a later date onwards.
But the system only shows the 1st 50 entries, and these 50 entries have lapsed and we do not want to take attendance for these.
You can set the attendance for 50 events at a time. Once the first 50 are set, the next 50 appear. We found having more than 50 events on the page made it run slower. This also helps ensure you don't miss any dates, since it shows the events in date order.