Please submit your ideas here for how we can improve Studio Helper. You have 10 votes you can use to vote for the ideas you’d like us to do next.
140 results found
Assign Individual Teachers Different Colors in Calendar
Would it be possible to allow multiple teachers to have different colors or shades in the calendar? It can be very difficult to se whose student is whose on a day when we have multiple teachers teaching at the same time. Assigning individual teachers their own color would enable administrators to more easily see gaps and schedule new students. Thanks!
1 voteYou can already do this by assigning the teacher name to the category list. Choose category, enter new category as the teacher name and choose a color. The next time you enter an event or edit an event choose the category of the teacher name and it will show that color on the calendar.
Calendar Syncing with Google Cal etc.
It would be such a great feature to have the option for each teacher to sync their teaching calendar with Google Calendars (or iCal, etc.) so that they have their calendar locally, updated live.
1 voteYou can already do this. When in the calendar view on the far right above the mini calendar is a sync. Use that and you can synch your calendar to google.
Show locations in Agenda view
The view of the calendar is fairly limiting. It would be wonderful if the locations could be included with the Agenda view (or to create a Report that lists time, room, student and teacher) - it's helpful to our receptionist (who doesn't have a computer/internet) to see the room number that the student/teacher will be in at their appointed time. You can then select agenda and it will give you info for that day.
1 voteThe student schedule report has event, time, location, teacher, date and category. Please run that report.
Put more options under permissions
I have a staff member who I want to be able to complete all the same tasks as I can as the Studio Admin, it would be so great if I didn't have to log into my studiohelper account every time I give her a task to complete. Of course, it makes sense to have the Studio Admin as the only one able to change billing information, but I imagine a lot of studio owners have an office manager who should have most of the same permissions as the Studio Admin. I don't like that I am the only one…
1 voteunder permissions….who can edit, delete is available for staff and teachers. You can click staff and your assistant will be able to do this. If she is having trouble then she needs to clear cache since you said she could do it before. There are many permissions available and staff can usually do everything admin can except the financial aspect only for admins. Otherwise you can always share your log in with her if you feel comfortable doing that.
parents & students to calendar view should see all events only from his teacher
Now we have given access to students & parents to view All calendar events. There are only 2 options: all events or only their own events. But problem for the first option is: they can then view all other teachers' events. Which can be confusing and not productive. Can the student only be able to view his teacher's availability schedule but without the names of other students on his calendar?
1 voteIn order to see availability of a teacher, you can create enrollment forms which will show open classes for that particular teacher to the students so they can see available classes and not other students in the list. If a student is in a group class, they will see the other students in the class when viewing the event on the calendar. We are also working on an upgrade of the calendar so it will be different in the future.
Make edited events save faster
When we edit the title of events (ours have room numbers so our staff knows where to be), it is taking extreme amounts of time to save... 5+ minutes usually. Ridiculous.
1 voteThis usually happens if you have repeat events for over a year. We recommend only saving repeating events for up to one year only. You also probably need to clear your cache and cookies from your browser. Please correct both of these and you will see that saving is faster. If you continue to have problems please contact as this is not a feature to vote on in this area.
thank you
SH is moving fast today- thanks for working on this! I assume that you get mostly problems (that's what I send).
1 voteThank you Robyn! We hope that the speed will help a lot! I am actually going to deny this as this is not a suggestion. You can always email us a and at the end of emails there is a kudos section that you can give us kudos when you are pleased with the program or with support.
Invoice credits
With credits, they need to be more visible. With so many students I forget who has a credit and who doesn't. Even when sending someone an invoice It should be attached somehow with maybe the option of making it more visible, or maybe even adjusting the invoice total automatically.
Please consider this because it is really frustrating...
Thanks1 voteOnce the invoice is created there actually is a line item that states any remaining credit amount and on the far right is the ability to apply credit from that screen.
In the money tab of each parent profile also lists credits that person may have. Additionally, you have a credits list that you can access to get credits. You do need to create the invoice and save it then go back and click view to see the credits that are available and how much. -
Your website is SLOW
I am new to your system, a new contracted tutor with a learning center. However, I find that logging on to your site and using it in general is SLOW. I don't have a problem with other websites.
1 voteThis is actually not a suggestion. If you need assistance please contact Or click the green feedback and suggestions button in the bottom right of any page. The box that comes up is for support. The other one is for suggestions which are requests for new features and so others can vote on them. If you are having problems it’s best to contact support directly.
Apply single payment to multiple outstanding invoices
I had a client with a late invoice and a current invoice. He made one payment for both, but I couldn't apply his payments to multiple invoices, so I had to apply it to one invoice, take the rest as credit THEN go back and process a payment from credit balance
1 voteHello. You can apply payments to multiple invoices now. When you go to receive payment, choose the client, if they have multiple invoices with balances due they will show up in a list. At the bottom of the list is a blue link that says apply payment to multiple invoices. At which point check boxes appear next to each invoice and then an empty box where you can enter the amount to apply to each invoice. Please see this screenshot. If you need help please contact us at
Improve the permission options
A parent logged in through her parent account to Studio
Helper and was able to delete her daughters profile which in
turn deleted her registration and all her lessons from the schedule. If the parent had deleted herself or the family she would have deleted her invoices and all financial records associated with their registration at the school.Since we have just given all our parents the ability to log into the system
I need this problem fixed immediately. My current settings do not give me an option for parent permissions in the people area that indicate this
should or…1 voteI have created a ticket for this as permissions should not need to be checked for a parent or a student to have that ability. The programmers will fix this for us. Thank you bringing this to our attention.
Delete and Edit Recurring Invoices on Same Page
Why can't I delete recurring invoices from this screen? This actually tells me which one I'm deleting. If I have duplicates, when I return to the Recurring Invoice List, I can't tell which one is which at present
1 vote -
add 1st of the month to due date options
I suggest that you add a 1st day of the month option to the possible due dates when setting up recurring invoices,
I would like to have my invoices drop on the 20th of each month with a consistent due date of the 1st day of the next month.
1 voteHi Jonathan, Thank you for the suggestion, however, you can set the invoice date as the 20th which is the drop date and the due date can be the first of the next month. The recurring will be consistent in that.
Make emailing a parent easier
When I only want to email a parent the system won't let me. In order to email a parent I have to select either the student or teacher as well. Many times I don't want to have to select anyone else but the parent. It would be convenient if I could just select the parent and no one else when emailing.
1 voteYou can actually use the email tab in your settings in the upper right corner of the screen, in your profile. You can copy/paste the email address there. Also you can use mass email to select parents then active and then just click their name and no others to send individual email.
enable a way to cancel all lessons for specific day
To make an option which allows you to cancel all lessons for a specific day. It is very tedious and time consuming to cancel 60 lessons for a holiday or school closure.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion but I am going to decline it because we do have that feature now. There is a red x at the header of each day that you click to cancel all on that specific date.
duplicate invoices
The option to duplicate an invoice after it has been created and saved.
1 voteUnfortunately this is not something we can do as invoices have to have a unique invoice number for accounting purposes. Please contact support if you have further questions.
Chronological Order for Automatic Billing From Calendar
Put dates in order on the invoice
When I do an invoice using the "Enable Automatic Billing From Calendar" --
the dates are all over the place. It would be helpful to me and to the
parents if the dates were in chronological order.Thanks!
0 votes -
Substitute Teacher (& Package?) Option
Right now students are attached to a single teacher and package. It would be very useful to be able to Sub another teacher in place of the student's current teacher or a different package in the place of their default package.
When a teacher is sick or out of town it's a major hassle to have to either switch the student's over to another teacher and reattach packages and then permanently leave them this way so as to not mess up past invoices. Perhaps this could come in the form of a one time modification on the calendar that allows…
0 votes -
Have A report By Package and Student/Parent
I would like to have Money reports that can be generated by package and student/parent. This allow my studio to generate money reports by total packages or students-packages and analyze how well a class is doing.
This is very important for our ongoing report activities0 votesnot enough interest
Allow Parents Who Are Students The Ability To View Children's Information With One Profile
"There should be a way to allow the primary contact to have parental
permissions as well as be a student as we have adult students who are also
parents of other students in our studio (and I suspect in other studios as
well). We should be able to do this without creating duplicate entries for
that person as that leads to sloppy record keeping. They often get the same
emails twice (since they're profiles are in their twice) and it can be too
easy to update the 'parent' profile while neglecting to update the 'student'
profile with new information."
Thanks!0 votesnot enough votes
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