Invoice credits
With credits, they need to be more visible. With so many students I forget who has a credit and who doesn't. Even when sending someone an invoice It should be attached somehow with maybe the option of making it more visible, or maybe even adjusting the invoice total automatically.
Please consider this because it is really frustrating...

Once the invoice is created there actually is a line item that states any remaining credit amount and on the far right is the ability to apply credit from that screen.
In the money tab of each parent profile also lists credits that person may have. Additionally, you have a credits list that you can access to get credits. You do need to create the invoice and save it then go back and click view to see the credits that are available and how much.
Jeff Wacker commented
I was going to make the same suggestion and found this one. It would be really helpful if the invoice a parent receives shows the credit amount under the total due, exactly the same way we see it when looking at it before printing or saving as a pdf. Once that step is taken, seeing the line with "Total Account Credit Remaining" goes away.
Because the IUP Community Music School is an add-on to my main position at the university, I technically have about a day or a little more per week to run the program, and with the number of students/parents/teachers, there is absolutely no possible way I can take the time to give parents their own account access. They receive an invoice to pay and they pay the amount listed. if I remember, I can email them to pay the amount of the credit less, but sometimes I don't catch it, and sometimes even if I do, they just pay the full amount on the invoice, and then the credit remains. If running the IUPCMS was my full-time job, then yes, I could give parents access to their profile, but that just can't happen with the amount of time I have.
So realizing it was a request already declined, I would certainly vote to re-look at it as most invoices from companies tend to show all financial information on them, and having a balance or credit is typically one of them.