Put more options under permissions
I have a staff member who I want to be able to complete all the same tasks as I can as the Studio Admin, it would be so great if I didn't have to log into my studiohelper account every time I give her a task to complete. Of course, it makes sense to have the Studio Admin as the only one able to change billing information, but I imagine a lot of studio owners have an office manager who should have most of the same permissions as the Studio Admin. I don't like that I am the only one who can delete or change some things, because she is the one who manages studiohelper 90% of the time! At least, it seems it would be nice to have more options under permissions, so I could enable her to do more things (i.e. change the status of a student).

under permissions….who can edit, delete is available for staff and teachers. You can click staff and your assistant will be able to do this. If she is having trouble then she needs to clear cache since you said she could do it before. There are many permissions available and staff can usually do everything admin can except the financial aspect only for admins. Otherwise you can always share your log in with her if you feel comfortable doing that.