Please submit your ideas here for how we can improve Studio Helper. You have 10 votes you can use to vote for the ideas you’d like us to do next.
140 results found
Next Student Button
When I'm looking at a student's information, I want to be able to push a Next button, to look at the next student in the list
2 votesnot enough interest
Negative # on Invoices
NEED to be able to enter a negative number on invoices, for credits etc. Surely this is not hard to do. Your invoicing needs to be able to do what typical invoicing software can do. How about % feature for discounts etc.
Thanks!2 votes -
add option to edit and resend a mass email in the email history
currently there is only "View" and "Delete" options.
- submitted on behalf of Mike Deangelis
2 votesnot enough interest
What is Paypal Customer Service number?
Are you finding paypal customer service phone number and online help for paypal account dial 1-855-486-4299 for Quick guide for paypal technical support information and resolution related to paypal account such as if you are not able to reset password, paypal not working,paypal not accepting payment,paypal not receiving money,paypal not receiving text ,paypal account not verified,paypal account login problems,paypal unable to remove card,paypal unable to process your request ,paypal unable to process your request. please try after some time,paypal shipping we’re unable to process your request. please try later so if you are not able to do this from your…
2 votesI’m sorry but we do not do support for PayPal. Only Studio Helper.
Add a teacher check box to the contact list report
i need to run contact list reports and sort the list by instructor. We are updating the contact information for our students and the teachers are responsible for collecting this information. Can you ad a check box for instructor to the contact list report
2 votesdid not garner enough votes
set up the print to PDF feature so that the teacher name prints across the top and maybe the event location is posted with the event entry
print to pdf looks good. could you set it up so that the teacher name prints across the top and maybe the event location is posted with the event entry? I have several teachers that share 7 studios, and they are not always assigned to the same studio.
2 votesnot enough votes
Track student progress and books/pieces students have completed
Under the student profile, have a way to list the books and pieces the students have completed. Then, be able to print this information as a report.
2 votes -
remove attendance from the criteria for future saving function of events
When creating an event or retroactively editing an event you want to be able to save for all future events without the attendance setting carrying over into the saved criteria of the thread.
2 votesBecause of several factors, including the complexity involved in coding the logic for this, and because this is apparently not a very high priority among our users, we are not going to be doing this in the foreseeable future. If this becomes an issue that gains a lot of support, we might look at it again in the future.
Add Option to Receive Payment Without First Issuing an Invoice
Please add an option to allow sending a payment receipt without having to send an invoice. I have many clients who always bring payment with them on the day of the lesson. They don't need an invoice, but I really want to be able to send an invoice. It seems unnecessary to send an invoice to people who always pay at their lesson.
1 vote -
1 vote
You can modify the attendance afterward by clicking the event from the calendar, and editing it.
For an attendance report, you can view or print the lessons taught report. It is filterable by teacher, date range and by student. You can also click to view notes and lesson cost. At the bottom for each teacher is the number of hours for attended classes, the cost of the lesson and hours of cancelled lessons. This report is exportable to your computer. It also shows which classes were attended, absent or cancelled
Have Elavon Support
There is an online merchant service called Elavon, which is very similar to It would be nice to have that available in Studio Helper.
For programmers: see the following link for how to do this:
1 votenot enough interest
duplicate invoices
The option to duplicate an invoice after it has been created and saved.
1 voteUnfortunately this is not something we can do as invoices have to have a unique invoice number for accounting purposes. Please contact support if you have further questions.
1 vote
not enough interest
Allow Custom Template Text in Invoices
Currently, the invoice template only allows one line of template text that can be added in the settings page, which will then be reflected in the invoices.
This is not enough.
A custom footer text should be added to allow us to input additional payment information as a template for all invoice - E.g. "Please make all checks payable to XXX".1 votenot enough interest
I suggest it is time for SH to update the area where attendance notes are placed.
I suggest it is time for SH to update the area where attendance notes are placed.
It is time to add the option to expand the place the notes are typed and to allow for other options in the text. Such as Bold type fount size bullet points.
It would be nice if I would be able to copy and drag what I type in MSWord and have it look just the same in SH with the spacing and so on.
Even MSN email has these options and it is free.
This update is far over due please make this…
1 votenot enough interest
Set up "daily" recurring events for only Monday-Friday
I do several summer classes that meet on a daily basis....but only Monday thru Friday. As far as I can tell, there is no option to make a class repeat daily, but not include Saturday and Sunday. It would be helpful to be able to do this, so that this large block class is not indicating that our only large room is already in use on Saturdays during those weeks.
1 voteThe option to repeat on specific days of the week is found in the “weekly” repeat option. Choose “weekly”, then put a checkmark in the days you want the event created (ie. Mon-Fri). If you choose the “daily” repeat option, it implies every day.
Have a way to "hide" tutorials semi-permanently
It would be much more pleasant to use the system, if, after learning how it operates, to be able to semi-permanently "hide" the tips and tutorials on the sidebar. I get tired of "x-ing" them out and only wish I could remove the tutorials from the sidebar. It would make the page neater and move the material up higher on the page for viewing. Thanks for considering.
1 vote -
List Payments by Deposted Date
Currently listing of payments can be done only by Date, not by Deposited Date.
Would like to have the option to list by deposited date.
Created Date is 24th, but Deposited Date is 25th.
I want to extract all payments deposited on 25th.
Presently, this is not possible.1 votenot enough interest
Payments are too hard to track!
If someone owes $75.00 but pays $100, saying apply the rest to next month: sure it will apply the 75.00 to the existing invoice, and create a "credit". However, there is nowhere where it actually says there was $100.00 tendered at any time. When my clients get a payment receipt for said transaction, they don't see where they paid 100.00 and how it was applied. NEVER FAILS: when this scenario happens, I get a call/email protesting that they actually paid 100.00. There should be a way to track total payments.
1 voteYou can actually go to the Payment Page on Money > Payments > List Payments ( to view a list of payments made by student/s and the invoice(s) the payment was applied.
Make it possible to send an email to a single individual without having to go though filters
Currently, I can only send an email to an individual by selecting through a lot of filters. Please make it possible to select just by teacher and student filters. I accidentally sent a sensitive email to two parties, when another name was accidentally maked along with the one I intended, simply because my cursor slipped over the other name without my realizing it. I send out much MORE individual messages than group messages and all the filters slow me down and accidents can happen. Thanks
1 voteYou can send an individual an email by going to People > People List and then search for the name of the person you want to email using the search box. Then check the box beside the name of the person. Then select “Send email” in the drop down menu that appears above the name of the person to compose and send an email.
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