Please submit your ideas here for how we can improve Studio Helper. You have 10 votes you can use to vote for the ideas you’d like us to do next.
86 results found
Show event category in Schedule tab of Profile
Within the Profile pages, under the Schedule tab, it would be very useful to see the category of upcoming events. It's impossible to know whether the event listed is a class, make up, canceled, etc. And for teachers who don't have calendar editing permissions, they cannot click the event to see the details from that screen.
I know that it's possible to see event categories in the Agenda view of the calendar, but including it on the Profile Schedule would be useful for several groups and circumstances.
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. We will review and see what we can do.
Teacher and studio contact information needs to be available
It would be great to have contact information easily accessible for parents. For example if their teacher showed up under people with the teacher's contact information including, email, phone number etc. It would also be great if under the studio name there was a place to add an email address, phone number, and physical mailing address. Currently it is difficult for parents to figure out how to email their teacher and there is no other contact information available to them other than that.
1 voteThank you for the suggestion. We would have to review this because many do not want that information available. The students have an email tab in their profile and if they click the teacher’s name the email box will come up so they can email the teacher. If the teacher wants to give out that info they can. That’s how it works for now.
Sibling discount or Roadshow Promo discount
I noticed there was a similar suggestion put up under review already. It would be helpful to add this in and automatically calculates the final figure. I only need it in the form of a %discount eg. 5% or 10%. Similarly, a late fee option inclusion ( % or nett) is helpful too.
3 votes -
Allow the option to customize email templates with a pop up screen each time you send an invoice
I think that it would be very helpful if when sending emails/invoices there would be a pop up screen that would allow you to customize the email template each time you send vs having to go into another screen to create a blanket email template. For example, when choosing to email from the invoice list it uses the current invoice email template - My current template for invoices is for invoices that are coming due - if I have past due invoices that I need to send reminders out for, I would have to go into a separate screen to…
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. However, I think a better solution would be to have a link to choose either the regular template that goes with an invoice or choose an overdue notification template. That way you wouldn’t have so many steps to do or if you forgot to change the original template back, they would not go out with wrong wording.
make the categories display in a set order
It would be great to see the categories display in a set order, rather than according to the date they are created. This would make it easier and faster to add events to the schedule. Is it possible to have them display alphabetically, or better yet to allow studios to customize their order? We could have all the piano teachers together, all the voice, etc. What do you think?
8 votesThat is a good idea actually! We will consider this for part of our upgrades.
Updating status
Is is possible to update the status of all family members of the a student at the same time the status of the student is changed.
1 voteThat is a good idea and something that we will consider during our next upgrades. I can see where this would be beneficial so that a family doesn’t get “separated” in the status area. We would have to make it an option though as some families will have multiple students in the family but not all active at the same time.
Add total number of Active Student Classes in Overview
under The Overview, please also show the total number of Active Student Classes. Now it only shows no.ofactive students. But as there are some students who takes multiple classes, it is helpful to have a glance of how many classes sign up.
1 vote -
Create a "Preferred method of Contact" for Students, Parents, Teachers
Today, I had a teacher with several students need to cancel lessons. I used StudioHelper to email the affected students and parents, but learned that while some got the email in time, others don't/can't check email, and needed a phone call or text.
I suggest you create something that allows a "preferred method of contact" with the ability to include an email, or text number, or telephone number, and some way to see that information in a list of contacts.
3 votes -
add a pay teacher "per student" rate.
Instead of a percentage of package or hourly or other just a flat per student per month or week or lesson. But at least month.
5 votesFor now you can use the flat rate per month. Since it is a flat rate no matter if you use packages or students.
Enabling the option of sorting by balance column in the Family Accounts display
It is often possible to change the display of a list by sorting it according to the column most crucial for our needs at the moment. But when viewing Reports > Family Accounts, it seems the clients can only be listed by the Client column (alphabetically) but I am not able to click on the Balance column so that the Family Accounts are sorted according to the Balance column. This would be very useful.
1 vote -
Separation between mass emails and mass texts
When I send mass emails, Studio Helper puts all of the emails for each student together including the text mail. We should be able to select which one is used so we aren't sending out multiple emails and texts to the same person
1 voteI’m not sure what you mean here. When sending mass email, you use the filters to choose which groups and people get the email. You can select all or you can individually select the recipients. If you have text email addresses in profiles as well as the regular email then they will get a duplicate. You will need to remove the text email address so they don’t get duplicates. That is not something that SH supports at the moment. In mass email history you will see who gets the email but each person gets the same email you created. If you need individualized emails, please use the email tab in your admin profile in the upper right corner and manually enter the email and/or text email of the person you need to send to.
Do not show "inactive " and "former" students in drop down menus in Reports
Sadly, the studio just does not have such a long list of students... So many inactive students just make the list cumbersome.
9 votesI’ll put this under review to see if it gets enough votes but we have this in case inactive or former teachers and students return so you don’t lose their information. You would want this information for your bookkeeping purposes.
Add an option to allow certain staff to have administrator access
There have been many cases in which our staff has encountered problems with "permissions" related to features that are not listed on the permissions page. I believe this can be solved if there were a way to allow certain staff all the same permissions as the administrator account.
1 vote -
Please consider linking "Closure Dates" to "Locations"
I have multiple locations and they all have differing vacation schedules... This poses a problem when I set the closure dates and then try and add lessons in these weeks for other locations. There aren't any decent work-arounds currently, besides deleting the closure dates, which would impact everything else.
I hope you do consider this please!
Thank you!
3 votesThats a good idea! Let’s hope this gets a lot of votes
Option to choose default 'due by date' for manual invoices
When setting up invoicing have an option for due date to be calculated automatically '7 days from today' (or x days from today)
eg, today's date is 21/11/2014, so if my default due date were 'in 7 days' it would appear on the invoice as 28/11/2014
I believe this happens for recurring invoices, but it would be a huge time saver if it could be implemented on manual invoices too!
Thank you :)
7 votes -
Create an Undo feature
I would love to have an Undo (Cmd Z) feature that would essentially UNDO the last thing done i.e. I've often changed an Event and hit Save and then noticed something about it wasn't done correctly and have to go through the entire process again - an Undo your last entry would be so helpful!
9 votes -
Add a Mark as Sent feature to invoicing
When sending invoices via e-mail, the system tells me the last time it was sent. Some of my students have not provided e-mail addresses and so I send them their invoices in the mail, but the system does not provide me with information about when I sent it. If there was a Mark as Sent feature, I would know when the paper copies were sent as well as the e-mailed copies.
1 vote -
Improve customization of Registration form
Items like 'lesson length' or 'student age' should be able to be added as drop-down options. A text box isn't appropriate for all uses.
Also, a (checkbox) gift certificate option would be handy, to sell certificates without immediately scheduling the class.
A redirect to a custom landing page rather than just a 'success' message would allow better integration of marketing or billing features.
13 votes -
Make it possible in families under people list to choose "active"
The "family" area under "people" needs more smarts so you have a button to choose "active" rather than all families at once.
Also it would be useful to have a total of this at the bottom of the page.
3 votes -
Notifications for Messages sent in an event
If we can be notified by email when a student or parent comments on an event in the calendar that would provide better communication. Also to have an option for Students and Parents to email directly from the website or message teachers or studio admin that would be great.
1 voteyou can email from profile tabs….go into a profile and look for the tab email…there is a section there that the student or parent can email the administrator or teacher. I will mark under review for your other suggestion.
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