list FAMILY PHONE number under PHONE on STUDENT and PARENT profile
I'm discovering that the phone number set up is frustrating me. If I put in a FAMILY PHONE number under the FAMILY tab, it's not proving to be useful. I get the idea of it, but in practice it's making me do more work.
What I'd like to see is the FAMILY PHONE NUMBER listed under PHONE on STUDENT and PARENT profile.
And instead of having the check box for "Phone number is different than family phone" my preference would be for it to say "Addition phone numbers." Then I could easily enter mobile, fax, work that pertains to that profile only -- but not have to enter the FAMILY PHONE NUMBER any place except in the FAMILY PROFILE.
not enough interest
Anonymous commented
Don't care to spend a vote on this but, I have noticed this if it's a family phone number it should show up for each member of that family.