Have parents link in the grey calendar dialogue box
When you click on an event, it lists the details in the grey dialogue box. It lists the teacher with a link to the teacher profile, the student with a link to the student profile and it also needs (if they are a child) the parent name a link to their profile. At the moment, if I'm working from the calendar and I need parent details, I have to click through the student profile and then again to the parent profile. This is pretty cumbersome. One click would be much more efficient, especially as we're more likely to need the profile details of the person responsible for the lesson, if we're looking for details.

There is very little room in the grey box, therefore we can only list a few pertinent things. It is actually only two clicks to get to the parent…click the student, which brings you to their profile, and then to the right it lists the parent, which is clickable. That’s only two clicks to get where you need to go.