Keep lesson notes formatting in the Lessons Taught report
Being able to see a history of lesson notes for a specific student gives an overview of what we've been working on. Currently, this is available in the Lessons Taught report.
However, because all formatting of lesson notes is lost in this report, it makes it very difficult to use the information. Please keep the formatting on the report as it is entered (line breaks, especially) into lesson notes.
This is one of the few things that makes keeping lesson notes in the computer more useful than keeping them by hand. Please consider making the change!

We cannot keep line breaks into the lessons taught report due to character count. You have lesson notes in the student profile you can use that the student cannot see. It does not show up in their log in. And, if it is something you do want the student to see, simply enter the note into the attendance page by going to calendar>attendance, find the student, enter the note and mark attendance and click send notes to student. The history will be on the lessons taught report but will not be formatted. The notes section within an event is open discussion between the student/s, the teacher and admin