Make a space for "Studio Announcements" on the HOME page for Students
It would be very convenient if students and parents logging onto the site would automatically be taken to a home page that might contain studio announcements that would be relevant to all, such as holiday schedule, recitals, concerts, recommended events/programs for students to attend, etc.

Great idea! We’re looking into something like this for a future version of Studio Helper. Thanks for the suggestion.
Jane Potter Baumer commented
This is one of the nicest features of Music Teacher's Helper and one that I think would be great on Studio Helper. I have photos and links and sound files posted on my MTH page, but there is no space for that on SH. Please add it : )
Anonymous commented
Great addition! Makes it more worthwhile for students and parents to log in, creating more traffic to the website. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Please add this! We need to post messages such as policy updates we want all students and parents to view automatically when they log in. Right now we're squeezing that info into the Name field in our Settings . . . not a good solution. Really important to be able to post this information even if we can't attach files. Please give us a way to communicate globally with our school.
Anonymous commented
I would love that feature!
Anonymous commented
Studio Announcements like Music Teacher Helper.