Provide a balance forward line on invoices.
At present, if a client is past due, I must send either the old invoice/s or a statement which does not provide a link to PayPal. I like the way the statement shows invoice and payment history but clients cannot pay online from the statement. The current month's invoice does not reflect any past due amount. This would simplify the process and avoid confusion for the client who receives multiple invoices and a statements and an email explaining the past due.

There is a balance due at the bottom of the invoice for any previous balances. The balance due reflects previous balance plus the current invoice amount. An invoice is for current billing. To see all the info you need/wanting, the statement is available that lists everything along with a balance due and a pay link.
Academy for the Arts commented
Any chance of looking into this again? When students have past due accounts, and the next month's invoice is also due, I send those families a Statement with the information about for their full balance due. However, the link that goes out in the statement only pays the most recent invoice. I would appreciate a statement that either links to the oldest invoice, or the full amount.
I've tried to explain to students that they may change the payable amount that populates in the Paypal payment, but no one has done it. And even if they do, would Studio Helper know to apply the payment to all outstanding invoices?
There's not much point to sending statements if clients can't use it to pay the full balance due.
K commented
Yes, it would be GREAT to provide a running account balance as the total after the subtotal. Any time an invoice is sent out, it should include an accurate current amount due, taking into account all credits and deficits. It should include both credits from cancelled lessons or overpayments AND underpayments from previous invoices.
Carolyn Steffen commented
The way it is now, it's great for the payment processor.
Elaine Bryant commented
Please provide an update on this planned action item.
Elaine Bryant commented
It would be very helpful to have this feature added ASAP. The way this is currently set up is very confusing to the client. Please give the status of the planned estimated time frame for providing a balance forward line on invoices.
Mountain Valley Studios commented
This would be wonderful!!! I can't tell you how many times a parent has paid only a partial amount due, because they only looked at their most recent invoice, instead of looking up their full account balance!