Male, Female... and that's it?
When adding new people to the system, Studio Helper only gives two gender options, male and female, and it automatically defaults to male.
Could Studio Helper please recognize that there are people who fall outside the gender binary? We have several in our studio, and it is not right for them to be forced to choose one or the other when neither or both could be correct.
Please add some more options so that everyone could be represented. Better still, please add more options and also have the gender stop defaulting to male and have a blank space instead. That way people could choose to set their own gender or simply leave it blank.
Thank you.

There is no longer a requirement to choose only male or female for the gender of a student. The software now allows for no gender-specific designation to be made.
info commented
I believe, we should have Blank, Male, Female, and Natural to respect all genders, as we are not here to discuss people choice, we just have to be careful to address the clients correctly as they wish. As long as we have four options instead of the two I am happy.