Deal with forgotten login / password info on the *studio's* website - provide link to site where they can be retrieved
A password can be reset on the StudioHelper site, here:
It's just that the client (studio) needs to direct people to that page
explicitly on their site, for example, with a short message stating that is
where they can deal with forgotten passwords. It's otherwise not clear on the studio side, as that message/link does not appear as part of the embedded html that makes up the remote login. There is also no fail mechanism that says "you've entered an incorrect password" when you hit "Enter" - the page just refreshes.
Please include that as a line of code in the javascript - have a link appear under the text boxes that directs people to your site for help.

We have several ways to retrieve passwords. You can click the loss password link on the log in page, you can have the teacher change it for you or reset it for you and once logged in you can change the password.