Only show available teachers on calendar.
Right now, the calendar shows all teachers on all days. It should only show the teachers who have availability on that day so that you don't have to filter teachers every time you look at a different day.

Good News! We will be working on this.
James Lowe commented
This would be a huge fix for Studio Helper, I am surprised it hasn't received more votes. If, while in day view, only teachers who have availability for that day are displayed it would make it much, much easier to read. That way there aren't teachers being displayed who do not teach on that day and we have to constantly change the filter.
Jeremy Prince commented
This isn't referring to creating events, please read the posting more carefully next time. The person who posted this is referring to VIEWING the calendar specifically, not entering an event. For studios who have more than 7 or 8 teachers who don't teach every day this would be a very helpful feature.