Integrate the ability to block out dates like in Music Teacher's Helper
Our music studio has variable schedules. For example, some of our teachers teach half-hour weekly lessons, some teacher 1 hour biweekly lessons, and others teach 45 minute lessons with one week off each month. This week is variable because the week off always coincides with a statutory holiday. Since we have 85 teachers, this would be idea if each teacher can block out their own dates.

this has been completed on another ticket. go to calendar>setup>studio closure dates to create black out dates
Pam Dyess commented
I was excited about the black out dates option being added to the calendar & have used it for probably about a month. Yesterday, as I began enrolling new students, I was unable to complete enrollment without first deleting the black out dates. This change makes this option useless for me. It's more work to schedule a student up until the first closure, then schedule them before & after the subsequent ones. I'll just go back to my manual method of scheduling closures as an event on the calendar & manually deleting each lesson during that time period. This is very time- consuming & I'm disappointed in this recent black-out change.
Shayna Jewell commented
I just realized that there are soooo many mistakes in my suggestion. I apologize folks. I was on the phone with Kathy as I was typing it so obviously I cannot talk and type at the same