Allow multiple teachers on event
For certain classes, we have multiple teachers on the same event. Rather than clutter the admin. calendar with a separate event for each teacher, it would be nice to be able have multiple teachers on an event.

You can now have two additional teachers in an event.
thomas commented
Great idea - would be especially helpful for events for which we have multiple teachers.
Jane Potter Baumer commented
I have two choirs in our school that have an accompanist and either one or two conductors. I would like to be able to list them all as teachers!
Anna Tweten commented
We would LOVE to see this feature!!
Katie Mattix commented
I totally agree, Kate. I want to have open enrollment for classes or events without assigning a teacher. I wish that students and teachers weren't inextricably linked. I should be able to choose a student to assign to an event, regardless of the teacher. And add multiple teachers to an event.
Kate Powell commented
This would also be helpful when using the enrollment forms. Currently, if you create an event, you are required to choose one teacher and ONLY those teacher's students can register. So either I have to make the same event for all 16 teachers of ours or I can't use this logically for studio wide event registrations taught by one teacher (or multiple teachers). I also don't like having to choose a package. What if I'm offering a free event and just want people to sign up? In general the events should be easier to access for all the students/teachers since that is the point of having a multiple teacher studio.