Search Bar
There should be a search bar under the Inventory section! It's a lot of work to scroll through every page of inventory to find one thing.

Anonymous commented
It is a good Idea especially since Vendors includes experiences at the Grocery store, news paper, etc. I don't resell their products of services in my store, BUT I have to go the 6 pages of vendors to find my keyboard vendor, or sheet music vendor, etc.
You get 10 votes to put toward any ideas you want. And you can use up to 3 votes per idea. This ensures that people vote on the items that are most important to them.
Mountain Valley Studios commented
I guess I don't get the whole voting thing. It says I have no votes available. But I definitely think this is a good idea. I would also add that we need to be able to print an inventory list that reflects how many of each item SHOULD be in stock.