Custom Attendance Status'
In the attendance section there is no way for teachers to schedule / report make-up lessons. This requires our teachers to email in our company any time a make-up lesson is completed.
It'd be cool if there was a way for us to have the attendance options be:
If the option Excused was chosen then a little link would pop up to report a make-up lesson completed, which would show up in the attendance records.
This would be a huge huge fix for us.
Changing the name of this suggestion as we are working on the custom attendance status’. We will still use the basic three ways to charge, attended, cancelled and absent. But you will be able to make a custom attendance name and use one of the status’ list whether it will be charged or not. Once this goes live, if there are other areas you think would benefit SH, please put that in a new suggestion.
Joshua Wheeler said:
It would be very useful to allow teachers (or admin policy settings) the ability to assign make-up credits for cancelled lessons. In this case a students invoice generated at the beginning of the month would stay the same or if the invoice was updated in place of Cancelled a status of Make-Up Credit would show.If parents could log in and see their make-up lesson credits and expiration dates that would be very helpful as well. For studios that charge monthly (or want to) (especially those with auto-recurring billing) this would provide a stronger reason to use Studio Helper to manage calendar and staff.