Remove the "Repeat Until" Requirement for Events
Anonymous wrote:
Hi there!
Love the online app.
Just one thing... I'm not sure I'm keen on the 'Repeat' requirement for events. What's the point of it? Because we have no way of knowing when a student will cease lessons, surely it would be easier to add a 'Until Further Notice' button, which will add the lesson to the calendar each week until we cancel it.
Let me know what you think.

Great news! We’ve been working hard on this feature and are excited to release it to you. We hope you enjoy this newest feature!
Andrea Vancura commented
Most of our students are studying with us on an ongoing basis with no set end date; as such it would be very beneficial to us to have the option of setting a lesson in the schedule "until further notice" to make sure no one falls through the cracks, and so we don't have to manually "reset" everyone (we have about 300 students).
Jeremy Prince commented
I echo these sentiments. Someone could always add an end date if they needed one but it would be helpful to remove the requirement of such. We too have no idea how long each student will take lessons but it creates a headache trying to catch anyone who takes for longer than 3 years (which does happen regularly) from slipping through the cracks.
Matt Simon commented
I'd like to see the 'Until Further Notice' option as well, in additional to picking actual end dates. I know that Studio Helper's suggestion is to pick an end date that is maybe 10 years into the future, but the load times are unbearable in those scenarios when changing info that affects "All Events In This Series". I think the load time wouldn't be so bad if there was an undetermined ending - system wouldn't need to concentrate on every repeat in order to reach the end.
Leeja Einglett commented
Being able to push lessons out for X # of weeks/months at a time would be helpful too, rather than having only an end date. We offer some programs that run 4-6-10-13 weeks (mostly in summer/fall), and would love to be able to post these faster when they restart again this year.
Susan commented
Please make the 'until date' an option instead of required when creating a new event. It would be nice to not have to put an end date, especially assuming the students continue for a long period of time. It is nice to have as an option, especially for students that may only be taking for the summer etc.