Allow a "blackout" option for the calendar
If the studio is closed for spring break, or for an event, etc, the calendar is locked down on that day and teachers are not allowed to book lessons.
If you look at the calendar, it should be easy to see that the blackout days are not available to be booked, and a description of why (ie: spring break, thanksgiving, etc).

This is finished….Create blackouts by going to calendar>setup>studio closure dates….keep in mind that you will not be able to create a black out date until all events are removed from that particular time frame.
Rhona and Dianne commented
Great, that would be fantastic. Will we be advised?
Rhona and Dianne commented
When will this option be available?
Jett Cheek commented
For lessons that are scheduled every week except for holidays, it would be nice to be able to block out those dates first, then when scheduling recurring lessons, the calendar skips the blocked out dates (perhaps with an alert).
Anna Tweten commented
We are anxiously awaiting this feature. Right now, when people who have been given permission to see only their own events view the calender, every location and teacher appears available. We think this feature should be expanded to display when locations/ teachers are unavailable without showing the events' details. A simple change of color for unavailable locations and teachers, including hours when the studio is closed or outside of a teacher's set availability, would be immensely helpful to students trying to view teachers' availability at a glance to schedule makeup lessons and better prevent double-booking.
Mark commented
I agree, this would be a very useful option. But it would also need to take into consideration that when you are scheduling a class for a student that falls on a blackout day, that that lesson not be billed on an invoice. For instance if you schedual a lesson for every monday and one of the mondays happens to be a blackout day, the invoicing should be smart enough to not include that lesson when billing.
Mountain Valley Studios commented
Oops..... Typo.... The teacher I was referring to teaches "music therapy", not "music theory". That makes more sense with the need for no distractions.
Leeja Einglett commented
We're new to Studiohelper, but as I was entering the original schedule, I had an instructor who was going to be out of the country for a week that I had to note as well. I created an event category "Unavailable" to handle this. I put it in to recur daily for the week she was gone and voila! I've told instructors to use this for gigs, appointments, etc going forward so we won't schedule anything during those times and we'll know who we need to reschedule as well.
Robyn Harris commented
I'd also like to blackout teacher availability so that we don't accidentally schedule someone before or after they are available...this happened to us recently, we booked a new student after a teacher's last lesson at 7pm but he had to leave for a weekly gig and couldn't be there past 7pm.
Mountain Valley Studios commented
I agree with this suggestion, and would like to add to it. It would also be helpful to be able to just black out one room during certain hours. For example.... I have one instructor who does music theory during certain hours. I like to try to leave the room next door to her empty during those sessions, so as to limit the number of distractions to her clients.