Be able to change/edit events from calendar view, rather than having to go to the event
You can currently "delete" an event form calendar view, which saves allot of time, rather than having to go to the event profile and click delete. It would be nice to have the option to set an event to canceled, or change title, or move time, without having to click to the event profile, and lose your calendar view. For example: if I get a call to change someone's lesson around, it makes it easy to just plug in the new time for that makeup lesson, rather than have to go to the event time, and make sure I'm not overbooking etc. Sure, SH has people parachute out of the ceiling to prevent you from double booking, but it would be easier if I could just see the other spots, and just plug in what I want without having to leave the screen. Especially when I come in on a monday and have 20 emails requesting cancellations or changing time, etc.

At this time, it is possible to cancel an entire event from the popup. The new drag and drop functionality allows you to change the date and/or time without opening the full edit screen. If different functionality is required, please enter a new suggestion for it so that we can evaluate the specifics involved.
thomas commented
Allow attendance for events to be set from the calendar screen pop-up icon so we don't have to open the entire event to edit/save the attendance.
Pop up screen would show Attendance options and a save/cancel button. Fine if it defaults to only this instance.