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Custom Attendance Status

Custom Attendance Status

The custom attendance status allows you to create different attendance status'. You can customize  them to be billable, non-billable, whichever you choose. You may also use this feature for make-up classes as well.
To setup the custom attendance status, please follow the guide below.
- Go to Calendar > Setup > Attendance Status
- Choose "Add New Attendance status (located on the right side of the page)
- Enter the Name of the status
- Enter Attendance Notes
  * These do not show up as notes, instead you can use this as a reference for the different status'

- Choose whether you want this to be an active status
  * Checking active allows you to use this status actively, uncheck it if you no longer need to use this status.
- Choose whether you want this attendance status to be Billable/Non-billable
- Choose if you it to appear as a strikethrough on the calendar once you this status.
- Save


We hope this article helps you in setting up your attendance status'
Feel free to contact support if you need further assistance.

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