How Do I Vote On or Create A UserVoice Tech Suggestion or Idea?
The easiest way is to simply visit and type your suggestion in by clicking the link on the link that says “Suggestions.”
If you have an idea or suggestion that another Studio Helper community member has already suggested, that’s a good sign. In order to move it to the front of the line, it needs to be supported by a majority of vote. Please create an account and log in at, then visit the link you created to show your support!
Below you’ll find instructions for creating a new idea or suggestion at as well:
Contributing Feedback
Example: “I have an idea that would make it easier for my students to use Studio Helper.”
The quickest and easiest way to provide feedback (no login required) is to visit this link:
If you have an idea or suggestion for the Studio Helper community, to better our service, software, blog, videos, newsletter, or anything else related to Studio Helper, rather than clicking Contact Us at that same popup window mentioned above, you’ll click the Share An Idea Tab right next to it (lightbulb icon).
You may submit your idea through the Feedback button so that other users will have a chance to vote on it. Ideas that receive a majority of votes will be given high priority status in our To Do list.
This is the only way for your ideas to be taken under consideration, and it’s done by community vote.
We will prioritize ideas that are critical as well as those that are popular among others in the Studio Helper community.
Please note that our Support team cannot post an idea on your behalf in order to preserve the integrity of the process and reflect the user community’s true needs: this is why we require each Studio Helper user him or herself to post ideas or suggestions using the quick and easy Feedback and Support tab.
Remember to bookmark, and please know that anyone who comments or votes will get an email automatically when the feature is implemented.
We hope this clarification is helpful and please keep the feedback and ideas flowing! It truly helps everyone.